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<hacking/>: Actions used to gain unauthorized access to a computer system.

Also: A series of actions that can cause the owner of such a system a lot of time, stress, money and reputation. Hackers also love targeting websites and web applications, and for good reason. It doesn’t matter how big or how small your website is: I can guarantee you that there’s always some reason to do it and it’s probably a lot easier to do than you can imagine.

The Motivation

As a cybersecurity specialist and someone who is extremely intrigued by hacking and hackers in whatever form they come, I can tell you that I’ve never seen a hacker without some motivation. But what makes websites such a big target in this day and age? Honestly: It’s easy! Also, the rewards are much better and the risks are much less.

The Execution

Hacking can take place in a lot of forms. The hacker can either gain access to the site through an administrator action (like the installation of a bad WordPress plugin) or through an incomplete set up of the hosting system. Whatever method a hacker chooses to use, you can be sure of one thing: It will be unexpected, even if it is done over a long period of time.

The Reward

The reward differs from site to site, but often the reward involves either money, attention or a boost for the hacker in reputation. Whether it comes through your client’s personal data, a piece of malware that redirects your visitors to other sites or even ransomware that forces the owner to buy back or have their website recreated.

The Prevention and Counter-Attack

However unlikely it may sound though, there is at least a lot of ways to prevent or at least delay a site that you own from getting hacked. Regular updates, upgrades and a more secure hosting setup are just some of the ways in which a site can be protected. But believe it or not, some people aren’t worried about their websites, even though thousands of websites are hacked every day. If you do however want your site to be stronger, we’ll be happy to help! ITFirst offers periodic and monthly options that will keep your site secure at all times, and even recovery services if you’ve been hacked already. We’re just a call away!